
Why choose nursery products that are INPAA certified

Why choose nursery products that are INPAA certified

Every parent wants the peace of mind that comes from knowing they’re providing the best for their child, but how can you be certain which products are truly safe?  It’s a common misconception that all products on the market meet high safety standards simply because they’re available for purchase.   Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and it’s risky to...
Every parent wants the peace of mind that comes from knowing they’re providing the best for their child, but how can you be certain which products are truly safe?  It’s...
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Should my baby sleep overnight in a pram bassinet?

Should my baby sleep overnight in a pram bassinet?

Are you considering using your pram bassinet or cot for overnight sleeping for your newborn? It’s a fair question, as it could be perceived as an economical or even practical solution for families.   However, the safe sleep experts are clear: pram bassinets are not considered safe for unsupervised sleep.  In fact, not a single pram bassinet in Australia has been approved...
Are you considering using your pram bassinet or cot for overnight sleeping for your newborn? It’s a fair question, as it could be perceived as an economical or even practical...
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Bassinet or cot, where should my newborn sleep?

Bassinet or cot, where should my newborn sleep?

Did you know that your new baby will spend up to 65% of their first 12 months sleeping? An important decision you will make before your baby arrives is where they will sleep. You will need to choose whether your newborn will sleep in a cot or in a bassinet. At BabyRest we want what's best for new and growing families so we've written...
Did you know that your new baby will spend up to 65% of their first 12 months sleeping? An important decision you will make before your baby arrives is where they will...
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How we make baby mattresses in Melbourne

How we make baby mattresses in Melbourne

Welcome to the first of our ‘Behind-the-Scenes' series, where we discuss all-things baby and toddler with an expert in their respective field.  First up we are proud to introduce Mai, our resident Production extraordinaire and mother of two.   Join us as we pull back the curtain on how some of the most popular BabyRest products are created right here in our Melbourne warehouse and get...
Welcome to the first of our ‘Behind-the-Scenes' series, where we discuss all-things baby and toddler with an expert in their respective field.  First up we are proud to introduce Mai, our resident Production extraordinaire and...
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